
Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Primary Care Racial Equity and Diversity Racism and Discrimination (RED) Survey Report

15 December 2022

In line with Black History month 2022 theme β€˜Time for change’, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Primary Care RED Working Group have published a RED Survey Report with key findings from a racism and discrimination survey undertaken in 2021/22.

Nottinghamshire LMC and EDI Forum Chair Dr Carter Singh MBE stresses on the purpose of the survey and report in tackling the problem of racism and discrimination in Primary Care as a core part of our system strategy.

β€œThe survey and report are part of a Nottingham and Nottinghamshire strategy, supported by the Primary Care Workforce Group and the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire People and Culture Board, to understand and address racial inequalities and barriers and provide support for all those staffs from ethnic minority backgrounds working in Primary Care.”

This report contains language and viewpoints which may offend. Comments from the survey have been kept in full as written by the respondents for transparency and openness. if you require support or wish to discuss some of the findings from this report, you can talk to someone confidentially using the details below or get in touch with us directly on 0115 977 1341 or email office@nottslmc.co.uk.

Alternative contacts for feedback and support:

Racial Equity and Diversity team on info@nottsredgroup.co.uk

Nottinghamshire Staff Support 0808 196 8886 (Monday to Friday 9am-5pm)

Email notts.staffsupport@nhs.net

Website www.nottinghamshirestaffsupport.nhs.uk